
Friday, September 30, 2005

Elephant Statue Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 29, 2005

As written on the door of a toilet

Here I sit on the toilet seat broken-hearted
Tried my best to shit but I only farted
Then one fine day without luck I took my chance
Tried to fart but instead shitted my pants

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

No Hoop Posted by Picasa






为什么我们要相信真命天子呢?每当看到朋友们历经一段不愉快的感情时,她 (他) 们总会埋怨说是因为还没有等到属于自己的那个人。如此说法间接意味着假如让自己遇到真命天子,所有问题就会迎刃而解。嗯,也别管自己在前一段感情里是否过于任性。嗯,大概也不会是自己没有顾虑对方的感受。嘿,如果是彼此是命中注定的话,就算你经常忽略对方,也不会有问题的。哦,爱情是不能勉强的,如果彼此原本就不是注定在一起,就别勉强了吧,反正在远方还有我的真命天子在等待。




Thursday, September 22, 2005

His Grandma's Bear Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What Is Kitty Looking At? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 17, 2005






然而,有关金门的那些纪念建造物而言,它们让我感觉的讽刺意味却是双重的。要不是纪念碑上的标语都是用繁体字写的,以及到处都插上了青天白日满地红的国旗,我真还以为自己踏入了某个共产国家呢。我们所熟悉的共产国都不是这样子的吗?沿街的领导人铜像、激昂亢奋的政治标语、以及记载领导人伟大事迹的壁画。这些都是我在金门当地骑着机车时频频看到的东西,无论是马路上、渔港边、村落社区里都有。根据八二三战争纪念馆的介绍,金门在战争期间是 ‘自由世界对抗共产主义的前线’ 。然而,无可否认的是这座岛屿也是我在台湾各地看到最像共产世界的地方。




Friday, September 16, 2005

The Color of Fall Posted by Picasa








有关侍应生的故事,在场的美国朋友在结账前向我们这些异乡人讲解美国所谓的小费文化 (尽管我们来到美国前已略有所闻) 。小费的数目完全取决于侍应生的服务态度。如果觉得很好,就是 20% 左右。如果觉得恶劣,可以完全不给。有关医生的故事,和教授聊天时才知道原来医生之所以如此细心讲解,是为了避免病人日后以医疗疏忽的理由提出诉讼。顺道一提,美国的公共医疗补贴和其他发达国家相比可说少得可怜,因此多数美国人都投保医药保险。如果没有医药保险的话,劝君最好别在这里生病,因为医药费高得可怕。




Monday, September 12, 2005

Dunking Swans Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Birds Posted by Picasa

Pitch Invasion After Iowa State University Football Team Crushed Their Opponents In A Derby Match Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Am Really Obsessed With Cats At The Moment Posted by Picasa

The Decemberist

Neutral Milk Hotel.

In almost all the reviews on The Decemberist’s albums, critics have unanimously compared them to that of indie music legends, Neutral Milk Hotel. It’s just a matter of counting the words, and then anticipating how many words the critic could write before dropping the reference. This review is no exception, and it goes one better, by putting NMH’s name from the beginning of the article.

It is not surprising that The Decemberist has been compared to Neutral Milk Hotel. Besides the obvious love of blaring horn instruments, the suspicious influence of European folk music, and the bizarre and dreamlike album covers, one need not listen too far into The Decemberist to realize the most striking similarity between Colin Meloy and Jeff Magnum is the surrealistic style of story-telling with their music. The almost sub-conscious stream-like lyrics of both men, evocative of that dream you had last night. Not nightmarish, but a story-telling that is so illogical that it can only happen in dreams. For example, Jeff Magnum talks about “the only girl I only loved was born with roses in her eyes, where they killed and buried her alive one night in Holland 1945”, while Colin Meroy speaks of “My name is Leslie Anne Levine” who “still clung onto the petticoats of the girl who died with me”.

However, it would be unfair to The Decemberist if one were to say that they are similar to NMH. While Jeff Magnum pushed his music to the brink a surrealistic dreamscape, Colin Meroy still maintains a sense of human emotions in his writings. To draw an appropriate analogy, while NMH’s song might be dreams that makes you wonder “what-the-fuck-was-that” when you wake up, there are songs in The Decemberist which would make you feel a tinge of melancholy when you lay awake in bed.

I’ve recently purchased all three albums (ouch, a hole in the pocket) released by The Decemberist for the past three years. Which one of them do I recommend? All of them. Asking me to choose between them would be like asking me to choose between whether NMH was better or NMH was better. Now that’s a no-brainer.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

More Cat Pictures Posted by Picasa

Cats Napping Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

27 years old, listening to NIN

27 years old, listening to NIN

Or Nine Inch Nails. Or Trent Reznor. The greatest fucking industrial music in the world. At least that was my opinion when I was in high school. I mean, when you are an immature 18 years old filled with teenage angst and a general rebellious streak to the whole fucking system you perceive as shitty, the lyrics and music of NIN must have struck a chord in you. Especially when you are a pimpled face nerd with no luck in engaging the opposite sex, listening to NIN in the quiet solace of the night (hmm, note the irony here) seemed all so meaningful.

And of course, you write “poems” like this:

My Self Destruct

I need a bullet for my head
A little hatred to have it made
Hold the shotgun in your hands
And push the trigger with repent

I need a knife for my heart
Jealousy to rip it apart
Guide the blade with your hands
And thrust it in with all your love sent

I need a drug for my fucked-up mind
Or forever I will be a swine
Pump the dope in my veins
And like an angel I shall not feel pain

I'm the vampire in the dark
A souless body filled with muck
Kill me off with the daylight sun
And forever will darkness be undone

Or this:


God is an atheist and he knows it
Ties you up with his fucked-up creed
Your wisdom is bullshit but not his
Your knowledge is useless against him
So god help me and let my soul be free

God is a mortal and he knows it
Cut him up and he'll surely bleed
For one that falls there is still another
And the words will bend and he's still your father
So god help me and let my body be free

God does not exists and he knows it
Although god will help the faithful indeed
For he knows a miracle can spread his deed
And on their hope he will sow the seeds
So god redeem me and let ME be free

Or even more embarrassing, this:


A minute of silence
for a second of peace
A minute of restrain
for a second of pain
A minute of containment
for a second of indulgence
A minute of your love
for a second of my self-contempt

And for a minute of eternal bliss

I'll use you
fuck you
drain you
kill you

In exchange for a second of eternal hate

Of course, one grows up. Then you see the world is not as bleak and grey as it seemed. You have a girlfriend. You start to think about your career. You start to listen to other singers, or read more mature books, and start seeing the world not in a dichotomy of black and white. Heck, it is not even grey, but a kaleidoscopic mix of rainbow colors. Some would say millions of colors, if you are a Macintosh fan.

Anyway, you start alienating from NIN. You diss it. Yeah, it was just some juvenile teenage shit that you got into when you were an immature pimpled faced 18 years old. Nah, you don’t listen to it anymore, the lyrics just makes you want to laugh. Not only at its seemingly childish portrayal of a kitschy depression, but at your own stupidity when you were 18 years old. You look at those 18 years old teenagers lapping up the poorer spin-offs on NIN, and you shake your head. Yeah, been there done that.

27 years old, listening to NIN. Here. Now. The strange thing is although I still admit the lyrics sounds childish and juvenile, the eerie thing is that it still somehow connects. Somewhere. Deep inside, like there is this rebellious streak in me that never really disappeared with age. Somehow, when one, in the middle of the night, listens to this song below:


I hurt myself today to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away but I remember everything

what have I become, my sweetest friend
everyone I know goes away in the end
you could have it all, my empire of dirt
I will let you down, I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of shit upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time the feeling disappear
you are someone else, I am still right here

what have I become, my sweetest friend
everyone I know goes away in the end
you could have it all, my empire of dirt
I will let you down, I will make you hurt
if I could start again a million miles away
I would keep myself, I would find a way

There is a connection. I can empathize. I know exactly what the lyrics means. Even though I am now 27 years old but everything NIN sang still made sense. It is like I’ve never grown up. Or maybe I have. Maybe everything that I thought was right at 18 years old was right, but between the periods of time where I dissed NIN, that was when I was wrong.

Nah, it’s probably nostalgia. Or the four bottles of beer I had just now. When I wake up tomorrow morning, I’ll probably find the lyrics childish and juvenile again. Haha.


PS: This piece is dedicated to HB, who I know is also an NIN fan. Yeah man, I know exactly what you mean when you say that you still listen to NIN from time to time.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

My Monty-Pythonsque Idea

Yeah, all my friends have probably talked about this idea before. You find two packets of flour, put them in zip lock bags, strap them on your body using masking tape, and then put on baggy shirts. Then you try to walk past the customs (either in the airport or causeway) and see what happens to you. I'll like to see the face of those customs officers when they realise that it is just flour. Of course, I'm not sure if this is breaking any laws here, but its worth a try. If you are really free and have nothing to do, and you have around a week to spend in police detention.

Oh, and if you don't mind your ass probed.

Will someone else try it and tell me what happens?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

An Old House Somewhere In KL Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

Two Flies On The Toilet Seat Posted by Picasa




Thursday, September 01, 2005

Last Goodbye


Dead Frog Posted by Picasa