Friday, December 30, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
“你知道故事的教训是什么吗?如果她会柔道,摔倒时就可以保护自己 (学习如何正确摔倒是柔道的基本技巧) ,也就不会丧命和连累丈夫入狱了。”
每次有关当局受到外界批评时,总是摆出一种 “我们已经实行这些政策” 的姿态,暗示自己毋须为发生的事件负责,鲜少针对批评对政策做出反省。嘿,有时无动于衷也是一种失责的行为。人权观察的报告或许夸大和扭曲了,不过报告里确实指出了有关当局政策上的不足。与其异口同辞地肯定自己所做的已经足够了,为何不想想还有什么可以改善的?
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
the rainbow
i was walking along my path
when the chaos of rain fell
down from the heavens
or maybe it was from hell
who really knows
except maybe the rainbow
that cuts the sky into seven paths
and like a ladder that beckons me
to ascend whichever path i desire
may it be blood red or green peace
may it be jazzy blues or orange flames
may it be loud neon yellow or subtle violet and indigo
they all light the path in front of me
but i choose not to
even if it means angering him
even if it means endless wandering
darkness may lie ahead
and chaos may devour me
but i'm still walking
even though i can't see
because i know there is a light
from my heart within
Sunday, December 04, 2005
由于从小在家里讲华语,以及中学和高中就读于本地某所传统华校,因此从不觉得平时讲华语有什么稀奇。直到上了大学放弃中文系而选修心理学系时,因为不习惯说英语和常说华语而被周围的人取笑为 “支那” (Cheena,泛指中国人的贬义词) 时,才发现原来自己的语言习惯属于本地人的少数,而常和朋友在高中取笑的 “香蕉人” 和 “臭蕃薯” 所说的话才是新加坡人普遍的语言习惯。尽管朋友们的 “支那” 称呼都是属于友善的作弄而非恶意的中伤,不过有时听起来还是显得刺耳。
由于在大学期间还搞文学创作,因此有很多机会出席许多文艺活动。每当我出席此类活动时必定会听到的一个论调,就是现在的年轻人深受西方文化影响,都不尊重和了解自己的文化了,还有在场的每个人 (通常包括许多教育和文艺界的朋友) 都应该尽力维护所谓的中文教育。
别误会,我并不讨厌或者鄙视中文。相反地,我经常以自己能够用中文写作和交谈为豪。然而,这并不代表我就必须批评他人的文化,或者刻意夸张地美化自己的文化。就如同我听到任何 “英语派” 的华人声称中文本来就是落伍的语言,然后以自己不会说华文为豪时会上前斥责他们,我同样也不认同任何为了鼓吹中文教育而采取文化沙文主义的人。
换另一个角度来看待这个问题。想读中文的人就让他们去读,别想读的人也不需要勉强。现在全世界经济已经向中国看齐,你还怕下一代的新加坡人不会自告奋勇地去修读中文吗?当然,有些人会斥责这种被经济利益左右的 “中文教学” 并非真正的中文教学,因为学习者只学到了工作上所运用的语言,而非中文的真正精髓,包括了历史、哲学、典故、文学等等。这不禁让人反思,支持中文教育的人到底鼓吹的是中文教育,还是中华文学教育呢?
虽然我本身从事中文的文学创作,照理说应该希望越多人喜欢阅读中文越好,不过我从来都不站在强烈要求他人学习中文的立场上。我会鼓励别人学习中文,但是如果他们没兴趣的话,我绝不会站在 “华人应该懂得华语” 的所谓道德高地上斥责这些人都失去了 “文化的根”。理由非常简单,我宁可因为别人不懂某种语言而听不懂我所说的话,也不愿意强迫他们学习此语言以让他们知道我是思想狭隘和不懂得包容多元文化的沙文猪。
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Conversation with WC about love
"Don't be silly. The hurt will not be less. If you found out that there was a third party, what will happen is that any remaining love for her will transform into hatred fueled by a sense of betrayal. The hurt will still be there, it is just that it will take another form. Until the day you can walk past her without feeling any emotional stirrings in your heart, maybe that is the day when the hurt really ends." I typed.
"Given what we have been through for the last six years, I'm not sure if I can ever walk past her again without feeling emotional." wc replied.
"Well, there are just some scars that can never heal."
"Not even with time?"
"That sucks."
"I know."
Monday, November 28, 2005
her ghost
for a friend, w.c.
like a windmill trapped under the tides
you're getting weary of walking
through this mobieus strip
of memory, a haunted past
a cigarette burns
on the edge of the window sill
nobody should shed fiery red tears
bloodied, only to fade into grey
as the night washes them away
the circumstances when she appeared
without a trace, yet vanishes
by knotting your convulsed heart further
friends turn into conspirers in an instance
possessed and exorcised by ignorance
the scent of a withered flower fades
yet out of its carcass, another season blooms
there are no chains on your feet
but you can’t say the same
for the bitterness caged within
wake up!
show some respect for the ghosts
that are screwing up your life
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
要追溯占星术 (astrology) 的起源并不容易。有些学者认为占星术可追溯于史前,并以公元前30,000年动物骨头上的刻印为证,尽管此论点并非无争议。然而,大家所熟悉的十二星座起源于公元前450年的古巴比伦 (Babylon) ,并且由希腊人发扬。
所谓占星术,其实是种利用各行星的位置和移动来进行占卜的玩意儿,其主导原则是各行星在每个人出生时的位置和移动对我们一生有巨大的影响。因此,我们才会在综艺节目上听到双鱼座不适合和处女座交往的论点。或者翻开报纸时看到白羊座的朋友这个星期会有好运。或者是在工作上不小心犯错时,你的上司会说出类似:“因为你是双子座,性格粗枝大叶,所以做事就比较粗心大意。” 的话。
曾经有研究人员对所谓星座论进行了研究。他们召集了一群星座学家,要求他们把属于不同星座的人的性格简略写在不同的卡片上。然后,研究人员要求每个星座学家去阅读其他人所写的东西,并且要他们断定哪个性格描写是属于哪个星座的。结果呢?没有一个人可以准确地把其他星座学家的性格描写归类于它所属的星座。别说猜对一半,就连四分之一都没有。结果,这些星座学家的准确性跟瞎猜没什么分别。当然,这也不奇怪。因为占星术原本就建立在这些 “专家” 事后孔明般瞎掰的基础上。
美国某研究单位于1991年的抽样调查显示有超过75% 的美国人每日阅读报纸上的星座预测,并且有25% 的人相信此类的预测。虽然我没有本地民众对星座的看法和信任程度的数据,不过从书店里架上的各种有关星座的书、报章上的“明日星座” 一栏、以及网路上几个搜寻网页上的广告,本地大概也有许多民众相信所谓星座这玩意儿吧。
这些朋友们对待星座的态度,大概就和那些每日阅读报章上的星座预测,却不完全相信的50% 的美国人一样吧。他们认为这些迷信无伤大雅。或者,只要有一点点头脑的人,肯定不会照单全收。
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Comments on newspaper article
This news article I saw in the Straits Time today just cracks me up. It's just like the story one used to hear as a kid about the bully who pouted and whined because someone bigger and stronger had came along and became the new bully on the block. The bully thus becomes the bullied. So how come NTUC was not complaining when they priced the small provision shops and mama shops out of business???
Ah, the ways of the world......
Warehouse stores: FairPrice upset with decision
By Marcel Lee Pereira
THREE large retailers - Ikea, Courts and Dairy Farm - will be allowed to set up factory outlets on the edge of Tampines, a decision that has upset Singapore's biggest supermarket chain, NTUC FairPrice.
Previously, permanent retail activities were not allowed in industrial developments. Now, up to 40 per cent of the gross floor area can be devoted to retail.
However, the three companies must house their regional headquarters management activities, training, logistics and warehousing facilities at the 93,000 sq m site.
They will also have to meet other criteria, including annual turnover of at least $100 million by the fifth year.
The retailers will invest a total of $200 million into the project, and expect to open their warehouse stores between next November and March 2007. A ground-breaking ceremony will be held next Friday.
FairPrice, which had also applied for the scheme, claimed that it had not been offered a chance to compete for the site.
Madam Cynthia Phua, deputy general manager of FairPrice's property department, said the site was 'directly allocated' to the three retailers without being offered to others.
'It is not within the boundaries of the announced guidelines,' she added.
Last year, the EDB stipulated that the scheme was restricted to 'outlying' areas. One of these areas was north of the Tampines Expressway.
However, the announced site is south of the expressway, pointed out Madam Phua. FairPrice said it had stuck to EDB guidelines by looking at sites in Kranji and Tuas.
Stores like Giant Hypermarket, owned by Dairy Farm, and Courts were already operating in the HDB heartlands, noted Madam Phua.
With the warehouse stores coming up 'so near to existing malls at Tampines and Pasir Ris, competition will be very stiff, and we pay very high rentals there', she added.
Monday, November 07, 2005
i was six years of age
just a year before enrolment
into school and education
my childhood memories consisted of
loafing all day in the playground
my father would tell me not
to pout and cry in protest
whenever it gets dark
whenever i have to return home
because the police
will arrest if you don't obey
daddy would always say
and I’m always frightened
when i was a bit older than six
and the nation was approaching nineteen
i would sing in delight the songs that unite
the recollections of my childhood melodies
joyous and without purpose
as i watch men in green matching
from my television set, commands were
shouted but i'm disinterested, only
waiting for the fireworks, nothing
could tear me away, not even
my mother’s call for dinner
as i slowly approached seven
i couldn't understand the commotion
about this thing they called election
i've tried to ask my parents, but
they did not try to explain
telling me i was too young
to understand, too innocent
to comprehend, my father whispered
lightly into my ears and my mother
wore a disapproving look that dispelled
all queries and curiosity
my only memory of that incident
vague and maybe unreal, perhaps
was this headline on the newspaper
saying something about someone
winning some unknown fight, somewhere
without a challenge, i remember the stern
smiling face and joyous eyes on the
photograph on the front page of the
papers, and i knew who he was and
i think, possibly, i wondered if he
knew who i was, in 1984*
* in the general elections in december 1984, the then pm lee walked over in his constituency for the first time in history.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
(刊登于联合早报2005 年11月)
最近消协和新加坡劳务仲介协会提议女佣介绍所在雇用和约里加入让女佣每月至少休假一天的条件,或者以金钱补偿无休假日的女佣。然而,这个提议并不受法律强制,不遵守的介绍所顶多无法通过消协或劳务仲介协会的鉴定。况且,现有雇主和选择与女佣直接更新合约的雇主将不受影响。这意味在我们的 “优雅社会” 里,还有一些女佣都没有休假的福利。
或许本人过于苛刻了。除了少数害群之马之外,或许多数新加坡人都善待女佣,尽管海峡时报在2003年做的一个统计显示只有半数的女佣有休假日。或许正如联合早报10月26日的报导里受访问的雇主所说的一样:“休假对她 (女佣) 来说没什么意义,一来她没有地方可去,二来出去外面就是要花钱,那倒不如留在家里,接受我给她的补贴更划算。”
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
emptiness travel at the speed of light
mistake emptiness for loneliness
the analogy is akin to the comparison
between hunger and appetite
i chose the easy way out
of this city, no more memories
of this numbness, chain-mailed into the deepest
repository of my existence
from singapore to taipei, does time bend over
distance to give us fate's kaleidoscopic reflection
in this neon eruption of lightness
something must have been displaced
by this emptiness, traveling the other direction
those lovers who passed away
way back then, they crawled into this void
in my dreams all their faces were identical
their voices dissolved into a cacophony
of a singular question:
"why did you send them away
in their shriveled husk; didn't you feel
their glow, even though we're all deceased
in your eyes?"
something must give
i do not know what to make out
of this emptiness, the veridical reflection
in the mirror or the distorted body on the hotel bed
lying like an abstract art piece
the glorious sketches of all those ex-lovers
emptiness travel at the light of speed
so what about darkness?
i close my eyes.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
On the Death Penalty
(Think Centre)21 October 2005
Think Centre is very disappointed that Nguyen Tuong Van faces death by hanging for a non-violent drug offence. The death penalty for Nguyen Tuong Van is unfair, cruel, inhuman, degrading and disproportionate punishment. It violates the right to life.
I saw this piece of article on the Think Centre website where they criticise the Singapore Government on the use of death penalty. As you can see, this guy was sentenced to death due to a "non-violent drug offence", or so the people at Think Centre claimed. However, when I looked up the details of his conviction, it turns out that this guy was smuggling heroin.
Hmmm, the way Think Centre puts it, you would have thought this guy is going to be hanged for smuggling panadol.
Of course we know that heroin is a non-violent drug. I mean, we've seen heroin addicts on TV right? They look like skinny zombies, like someone you can really just take out with a punch, right? Not to say that a lot of heroin drug addicts commit crimes to get the money they need for their drug habits. Not to say families are broken up. Not to say those addicts who overdosed and died as a result. Yeah, heroin is a non-violent drug.
No, I'm not a keen supporter of the death penalty either, and I respect the right to life as much as anybody else. However, in the view that the extent of harm that is caused by drugs to the society, albeit in a more insidious and not-so-salient ways, I will not reject the death penalty as a harsh deterrent to stopping drug trafficking. This is because I respect the right to life of those mislead and probably impressionable teenages who might have their lives ruined by drugs, thus you will never find me signing any petition for someone who is sentenced to death by smuggling in drugs.
Just because you do not see the dead bodies, doesn't mean it is not violent.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
old photograph sitting in the drawer
photographs don't lie
even if they were yellow
even if your smile
was frozen, back in time
when you were eighteen
it was an accidental snapshot
neither of us were prepared
do we throw away memories
or keep them hidden
in drawers, where dust collects
stardust, no sorry, i was mistaken
it's only age that has gotten into
the photograph of us, no i'm mistaken
again, these things get blurry after
a while, only you were in the photograph
smiling, and i'm still wondering where
was i, way back then, was it really
so far back in the past, i'm only sure
right now i am twenty five.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
是自己的幻觉吗?近几年翻阅报纸和观看电台时事节目时,总觉得某种病态思想正渐渐侵袭我们可爱的社会。原本以为是自己多疑,不过周遭的朋友们也留意到了这种病态思想。朋友们通常以笼统的 “无聊” 一词称呼此病态思想,不过我觉得将它称之为 “在鸡毛蒜皮里挑骨头” 是最恰当不过了。
例如前些时候在报章里争论不休的 “贝弗兰” 命名事件吧。最近在报章的言论版又再度看到类似的批评,只不过是针对 “宝门廊” 和 “达哥达” 地铁站。或许本人不是语文系出身的,无法看清这其中的 “语言暴力” ,更无法感受它的伤害,所以对激烈的争论觉得莫名其妙。正如同去年母校华侨中学和华中初级学院决定合并时,许多人对合并的学院应取的名称争论不休的情况一样。真奇怪了,怎么我们看问题的焦点不是着重于地铁应该如何在保持合理车资的情况下更有效地服务大众?或者,合并后的学院如何更有效地教育学生,以及从四二制转换到六年制所需做的调整?
说到教育,就不禁让我想起有关本地人对于会考成绩和学校排名的着迷。每当会考来临或成绩放榜时,总是在媒体上听到家长对于小数点的差异特别在意,只因为他们觉得这会影响子女进入优等学院的机会。或者,为了让子女进入名声良好的小学而搬家和做义工的例子已经听得层出不穷了。奇怪了,如果时间和金钱投资在自己子女的身心发展,不是更好吗?把话说难听点,不聪明的人不会因为进了好的学校而突然变聪明,聪明的人也不会因为没进好学校而突然变笨。还有,即使没办法进入好学院,或者会考成绩不理想,就不等於人生从此黯淡。小时了了,大未必佳的例子,我相信不只是自己看多了。与其只是抱着 “只要进入名校就可以了” 的目标,不如着重于身心的磨炼,以让子女有能力面对人生的考验。毕竟,进入了社会后是没有成绩单可言的。
或者新加坡人的英语差不差。天啊,我们当然无法说 “标准的英语” 。很简单,因为我们不是英国人。况且,什么是标准的英语呢?本人到了美国后,发现不同国籍的人在说英语时都有不同的发音。然而,这种字不正腔不圆的状况从未导致任何人无法沟通。应该说,语言不是死板的东西,而是会随着时间演化的。谁在乎它是否“标准” ?只要对方听得懂就行了。大家被无聊的争论拖得团团转。
本人并非想在此鼓励大家采取一种 “什么都不管” 的心态。认识我的人都知道,本人对于许许多多的社会现象总是喜欢发表自己的看法,以及做出许多批评。有关当局这样子做是不对啊、虽然这样子很好,不过我们可以做得更好啊等等。讲好听些,是坚持尽善尽美。讲难听点,就是鸡蛋里挑骨头。然而,我只是希望大家可以衡量轻重,把精力运用在值得讨论的课题上。
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Quote by Robyn Hitchcock and my comments
“It is very dangerous to mock people's beliefs, because you can be tortured and destroyed by other human beings …… very seldom do divine forces actually wreak their vengeance on you …… but it is very dangerous to be an infidel in someone's eyes. I believe very firmly in god ... in terms of spirituality. I also have an infinite contempt for religion, which I think is hijacking people's spirituality for political purposes, and I think that religion is perilously close to pornography in that respect.” --- Robyn Hitchcock
My two-cents comments:
Well, have to say I do not agree totally with Robyn Hitchcock's views. At least no one has died in the name of pornography, or blew innocent people to bits with bombs, or coerced individuals into accepting their views.
Sadly, that can't be said for religion.
Give me pornography over religion anyday.
Monday, October 17, 2005
nice quote
"don't call me a poet. because that is the single most digusting word that one can be addressed by. call me that, and you'll be associating me with all the fake fucking pretensions, the skulduggery, the weak-mindedness, and the unadulterated snobbishness of human nature."
found this as i was tidying up my old archives of files. forgot whether it was me who wrote it, or i copied it down from somewhere. i think it must have been the latter, though i'm not sure. if anyone knows who wrote this, please let me know...
although i think i wrote it....
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Charity is not neuroscience, but it isn't stupidity as well
"The man in the street would not have, before making his donation, the exclusive information that Prof Lee had. He would not be able to confirm with Ms Angella Cheng, the Nepalese twins' guardian in Singapore, that the motive of the twins' parents in coming to Singapore was to get more sympathy money.
He would not know that the Gurkha contingent in Singapore had turned them down because the contingent had already donated to the twins on the first occasion.
He would also not be able to assess if a shunt operation, Botox and intensive physiotherapy will have permanent effect on leg deformity or the ability to walk because he is not as medically proficient as Prof Lee.
As for the Yishun siblings, the man in the street would also not know that the deep-brain stimulation could have been performed at the Singapore General Hospital or the National Neuroscience Institute at a fraction of the cost incurred in Taiwan."
And he concluded with this paragraph:
"I would rather live in a country where my fellow citizens are compassionate and sympathetic than where they are critical and demanding.
Charity is not a neuroscience."
My thoughts? Hmmm, I wonder what this guy has to say when he knew the NKF funds were not properly used. Did he display moral outrage? Or did he say something like: Oh, never mind that we were conned, it was the compassion and sympathy that counts. Heck, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt by assuming he took the former stance. And what? The take-home message is that it is okay for people to con us out of our sympathy money, as long as they are not some big-evil organisation???
Lest I come across to readers as an evil bastard with no compassion, let me set the record straight by stating that I believe in welfare for the less fortunate. It is just that I also believe in something known as efficiency and utility as well. Okay, so the average man on the street doesn't have the necessary information, so that is why the directors from the Neuroscience Centre are providing you with this information, so as to enable you to make a better judgement. If the reaction to this kind of information is the kind of moralistic high-ground in which the writer adopts by saying that oh-I-didn't-want-to-know-that-because-it-is-my-kindness-that-counts-even-though-I-may-be-gullible, then so be it.
Stupidity kills.
An Unfinished Poem
Friend of mine wrote it. Gave up because it just didn't mattered anymore. Anyways......
聆听着 Keith Jarrett 就幻想置身