
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Conversation With Y On Religion

Conversation With Y On Religion


“You are absolutely right. In fact, that's also the lesson I got out of my mum's death. The only logic in this world is tat u would do everything to please the one u love, and this will always be right. All other kinds of logic are objective, subjected to varying standards.” Y replied over the internet.

“在当下,我们没有办法知道自己所做的东西是对或错。” I typed.

“And if the one u loved is gracious, just, and wants u to be good, then all things you do will eventually be good. It's one of the main foundational concepts of Christianity. Hope you don’t mind.” Y replied.

“不,我不介意。It is one of the fundamental concepts of my life too, although I don't attach a name to it.”

“Try loving people around you as you would love the one u love.” Y preached

“Ask you something: if a person practices all the things a good Christian is to be practiced (or insert any other religion here), but refuses to call himself a Christian, how is he different from a Christian?” I asked.

“How can you love your mother so dearly and not call yourself her son?” Y replied.

“Bad analogy, what is the definition of son? If one lives righteously, subscribing to a lot of moral values found commonly in all religion, and yet remains agnostic, what difference does it make?” I asked.

“If u really practices "all" that you would as required from, say Christianity, you would have done what God wants u to do, not because you are his slave, but because you loved him. So the mother analogy works the same. Substitute it with God and you get the equation.” Y typed.

“The point I am trying to make here is: I don’t deny the god concept, as there is no way of falsifying it, but I have something against religions.”

“What is religion?” Y enquired.

“Bad human management.” I typed sarcastically.

“Haha, but not always true.”

“Not always untrue.”

“Man is fallible.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“We strive, but that's all we can do.” Y said.

“That I understand...”

“But does that mean if you practice agnosticism by yourself, you are infallible? I went through that, so I go to church to get a better understanding.”

“One: never give me that "I went through that" position. It is fucking offensive. Two: I never said I was infallible. Three: agnosticism is not a form of practice, at least to me, it is an attitude of how one perceives the world. It need not necessary only apply to god.” I retorted.


“I just feel for me, whether god exists or not will not make a difference to whether I strive to become a good man. And of course I hope he exists, but I cannot be certain, so I suspend judgment.”
“When are you going to decide?” Y asked.

“When I die.”

“Dead man can't decide.” Y pointed out

“I thought the Christian beliefs say we have immortal souls? So what’s the difference between living and dying? Of course, based on the Christians beliefs, I’d rot in hell when I die. But if that is the way it shall be, then let it be.” I said sarcastically.

“Blah, don’t be pessimistic. Father in heaven is gracious if you would love him, like the way you love your parents, only more.” Y said.

“If he is gracious, he shouldn't care whether I believe in him or not. He shouldn't care whether I love him or not. He should only care whether I tried my best to be a good man to all those around me. That’s that.” I replied.

“But He can't bear to see you suffer in life.” Y said.

“在当下,我们无法确定什么是痛苦或者幸福。We can only connect the dots backwards. ” I said.



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